Infrastructure Protection

  • נקודות עיקריות בתום אבטחת בתים פרטיים לורם איפסום דולור סיט אמט, קונסקטורר אדיפיסינג אלית נולום ארווס סאפיאן


  • נקודות עיקריות בתום אבטחת בתים פרטיים לורם איפסום דולור סיט אמט, קונסקטורר אדיפיסינג אלית נולום ארווס סאפיאן


  • נקודות עיקריות בתום אבטחת בתים פרטיים לורם איפסום דולור סיט אמט, קונסקטורר אדיפיסינג אלית נולום ארווס סאפיאן

Infrastructure Protection:

Many construction sites are secured with physical guards in the field. Often, this guard does not do their job properly as they are located in one place and are unable to see the whole site. Usually, they are busy looking at their cellphone and do not look at the cameras.
The guard can be bribed, fall asleep, and can be neutralized by the intruders.
The ILAND GUARD Monitoring Center has skilled and alert workers who observe the site from all camera directions, and do not take their eyes off the screen.
Backed up by some of the most advanced AI-based analytical software in the world that alerts ILAND GUARD to every movement in the camera’s scanning area.
The moment an anomaly is identified, we rapidly act to prevent an event before any damage is done! We call out to the intruder to leave the site and immediately alert patrol and police forces.
The cost of the ILAND GUARD service will save you between 65% – 80% of the cost of a physical onsite guard and will be much more efficient.

Tracking on-site safety conduct

Safety violations at the plant are a liability and can result in injury or death of one of the workers. This can result in great financial loss, and sometimes even the closing of the site for an extended period of time.

ILAND GUARD’s 24/7 observation center will help you monitor, as well as track, on-site safety conduct at all times in order to identify employees who do not adhere to safety rules, such as; working at heights without a harness, working without Personal Protective Equipment, using disc cutters and working without safety glasses, and other safety violations.

ILAND GUARD provides real-time alerts to an employee who does not follow the procedures, including sending a video to the site manager that will make the company’s employees realize that the place is strictly supervised. This will raise the alertness level of the employees. This will prevent safety violations and work accidents.

Real-time identification of an event and summoning forces can prevent disaster, and save lives, and damage to the company’s property.


Fires, flooding, and damage

ILAND GUARD’s service helps prevent fires, flooding, and damage. Identifying a fire at an early stage can make the difference between a minor event and a large fire. The company saved a large number of businesses and sites from fires, thanks to the initial detection by the control center observers.

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